Tag Archives: laughing

24 days Weaning

2 Jul

Just been hand fed

Well I started just a little bit of thick chicken soup on my fingers till I discovered teeth!! So then we had a sauce and held them with mom just for 2 or 3 licks–they loved it.

Although now Spike appears to think mother is ready to mate again — dragging her around into love nest!! Have to keep separating them.She has no outward signs of being in season though.

Rudey in good mood.

“No more photos please!”

2 hobs 5 jills Day 22

30 Jun

We got each one out today 2 boys and 5 little girls.All same size.

Thinking about weaning  or should I wait for eyes to open?

Day 20-First outing

28 Jun

We got mum out with a grey kit for about 2 mins until she tried to grab it from us.Then once back in cage she had to give a an extra good washing!!Then we thought she was grabbing it to harm it —guilt welling up in us but she was just pulling it further under the covers to hide it.Then she gave my a husband a quick love bite!

Day 19

27 Jun

Well yesterday a chap came and gave me a hutch in exchange for 2 kits –not yet in 3 or 4 weeks.So now I have homes for 3 of them.

” go on just put your hand in here”[if you dare}

They are still 4 grey and 3 white– well he hadn’t seen grey ones either but I assume they are going to change colour??

Rudey is bouncing about –coming out of season again so I assume Spike did his duty [very quickly].

So funny earlier Spike was eating chicken soup and I stepped over him to sit down and the other side of his face was just covered in it obviously after a scuffle but no camera.

17 days–They are crawling!

25 Jun

Well the book says at 3 weeks they are the size of a lipstick– well ours are the size of 2 lipsticks then and crawling.

Changed to a larger box to stop them getting out.Within minutes one was nearly over the top– squeaking!!

Mom was Ok when she found them in new box.– well so far!

Rudey happy — has been brought out of season obviously — happy to let the boys play with her again.

Hello FERRET LOVERS–A ferret will always make you smile {unless you are in a hurry to go out}

7 Jun

“Quick she’s got the camera turn your back”

Please let us out we promise to behave!

“OK I’ll play cute”

Started this blog today 7th June 2012 with the imminent birth of my first lot of kits, one year after getting my first ferret, Dexter.

I have learnt a lot in the past year following Dexter came Spike for Christmas 2011, he is now 1 years old. Then along came sisters from Dorset, Rudy & Nibbler, in March 2012, now 10 months old and it is Nibbler that is about to give birth. This is why I decided to start this blog — could I call it a help for some people, for others who need to know the ins and outs of ferret truths. Hardly anything in ferret books relates to my ferrets! The growing up part, the mating part, the pregancy part — all different from what the book says. Never in a millions years did I think I would be a ferret lover, in my tender middle age years.

Why am I a fuzzie fan? Well its that gorgeous little face looking at you through the bars of his cage asking you to let him out.. and when you do he turns into a thieving nightmare! Such fun.

“What you looking at”

Well this morning was like every morning at 6am.. 4 ferrets climbing and jumping and playing.
Rudey had been in her own cage for the first time over night incase Nibs gave birth but straight away when the cages were open she dived in with Nibs so I left them there.
At 11 am I checked them and could hear the sounds of babies so took Rudey out –she was not happy at all at being back in her own cage.
At 1pm had a quick look in at Nibs — could see 3 kits — at 3pm there were 8 kits and Nibs looked at lot happier. They were all clean and a lot bigger that I’d imagined– size of my little finger. No blood or afterbirth either.

Now my dilemma is:
Do I let Nibs out to play? Will she forget her kits? Will she forget her sister? Will her sister ever forgive her?

Also Spike the father of her kits is now sniffing around Rudey who has just come into season.

Why do the girls not find Dexter attractive?

I’m the good looking one–Dexter

Both prefer Spike.
Is it his wit and charm? as opposed to Dexters animal instinct– a quick rough and tumble.
Is is the fact that he’s leaving his scent everywhere? Hi Fi speakers/ sewing machine/ bathroom towels..
or the fact that Dexters always “wet”! Does he smell bad to them?

Day 2 Kits look OK to me.
Mother obviously feeding them but looking longingly to get out which she has been —with no intention of going back to them until I caught her!

24 hours old

Her sister Rudey still unhappy – performed vampire kiss on me this morning, digging up carpet by door during play time, spitting at the boys–all she wants is her sisters company!

“where’s me sis”

Boys still happy!

Is this what they call a “half nelson”?

Does Rudey think these kits are hers??
Desperately trying to get in with them.

3 days old
Does Rudey think they are hers??
Does she want to get in to kill them??
Anyway she’s been in season for a few days now so Spike is in with her for the afternoon– see if a little lurvin’ will help her.

yes yes Rudey happy in an “after glow!”hope it lasts.

“I just want to be left alone”

Babies squeaking, mother sitting in hammock- all she needs is a ciggie and a beer!

Spike went for stroll out the front today.
only spotted by my husband when he was under car.
Not running away just sniffing!!

” I wasn’t really trying to run away!”

6 days
Nearly double in size and squeaking louder.
2 were lost when I looked in so found amongst folds of nest so pushed them back with tissue–hopefully she wouldn’t smell me!!
Organizing a bigger nest box.
Just worried about Nibs teets –you know they get mastitis when dragging them about over edges–try to lift her over when ever poss.

Rudey was horrendously noisy this morning at 6 am didn’t want boys near her –fighting with Nibs.I intend to put her with Spike again later, i feel so sorry for Dexter, no one wants to mate with him although he does need to learn to woo then rather than grab them by the face and scratch!

10 days old.

10 days old

Very vocal as mother leaves them, she’s now having to wait while they let go as yesterday 2 came with her down the ladder!! She was quick to get them back.
Rudey still refusing amorous advances from both boys although under my bed seems to be the best dating place!!Lots of screaming and stinking!

12 days old.

Making care sheet ready for babies to go to new homes –separate page if anyone sees this and wants to add anything.

letting mother out for longer now when the others come out –about 1 hour each session for her —my thinking is –so she doesn’t get fed up with all those kits.

Still trying to get Rudey mated! In cage for the afternoon with Spike.

2 weeks

Gotta escape!

At moment 4 are grey and 3 white ,all quite solid so I ‘m assuming all boys!

Getting new padded box ready with higher sides but still don’t want to touch them in case mum gets upset.

She mistook my bare foot today for a piece of chicken but my fault for not wearing my boots!